When Someone Disagrees with You, Listen HARDER!

Sometimes people disagree with my assessment of a situation, my suggested response to an occurrence, or my view on a situation.  What can I do?  I ask some questions and then listen really hard!  I listen to their words, their tone and watch their body language.  You can’t change an emotional decision with logic, but you need to understand the journey of their thoughts.  They may know something you don’t, have a parallel issue, are afraid of something…you need to try to understand.

  • Ask questions like:
    • Help me understand why you believe that?
    • Do you have some information that could help me better understand your view?
    • Do you have any questions of me, about why I think this?
    • Is there something I don’t know about that is causing you concern?
    • Assume for a moment that my alternative and your alternative are not the only ones, what else might we consider?

Be open in your posture, listen actively with visible interest and try to understand how they arrived at this view.  Sometimes when you understand HOW they got to this view/decision you can offer a fork in the road for them to take.

  • Keep your response short and simple. Fewer words is best.
  • Show some empathy for them in your words.
  • Try to find something in your view or answer that gives them something. How do they benefit?

You should go in knowing that sometimes you can’t change a human mind.  Like a Hail Mary pass in the closing seconds, it’s always worth a try!

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