CHANGING is always about making a choice to change.

The secret to successful Change Management is helping people make the choice to change.

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“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” -Albert Einstein

Changing an organization requires taking a tough, unbiased look into the mirror. It is critical to understand the true nature of an organization before you begin the process of change. Every organization is a society to itself. It is a unique social construct made by the people who are there and the people who came before.

Before building a change management strategy and plan you need to know how people in the organization relate to: organizational values, each other, leadership, dealing with change, and more. You cannot change into some future state if you don't understand the current state and what thinking needs to be changed.

Our process for learning about your organization, building a strategy and plan to leverage organizational strengths and mitigate risks are detailed in Services.

Personal Statement

Change is a struggle. Successful change requires careful analysis of an organization's culture, a thorough understanding of who is impacted, the collaborative development of a strategy with leaders and execution of a plan involving managers and stakeholders. It also helps to have a disconnected perspective. Just as a fish would have a hard time describing water because of its perspective, it is easier to discern organizational opportunities and risks from a slightly removed perspective.. Consider someone with an unbiased view, a willingness and skills to challenge and the patience to coach and guide you.

We are focused on and dedicated to unraveling the links between human behavior and organizational success. We work to help individuals and organizations succeed. We do this as both a vocation and an avocation. People are key in any successful and lasting change and we will help you to engage them, and move forward through change.

….just a thought

When people say, "How are you?" I always say, "Never had a bad day yet." Of course I have had bad days, but not as a result of how I approached them! I love what I do...each day helping organizations and individuals to survive and conquer change. It is a gift to get to do what I do.

Sometimes, it feels as if you are on a journey of change AND building the road to get there at the same time.

Sometimes, it feels as if you are on a journey of change AND building the road to get there at the same time.
Change is a challenge and leading change can feel difficult and lonely. It is important to realize that with the proper perspective on what needs to be changed, understanding who the key influencers need to be, what the strategy is and a well focused change plan that addresses: communications, key messaging, leadership training on change, measures of progress and an empowered change team; change can be achieved. Lasting change can result.